Thursday 3 April 2014

Alia update

Since this week was nothing but studying, sickness and sleep deprivation I thought it was a good time to do an Alia-update instead of writing about how tiring our lives are right now (seriously, though, prayer for health and Alia sleeping more than 2 hours at a time during the night would be appreciated).

I do realize that a post like this is not interesting for everybody, really, it is mostly for her grandmothers :-)

We are headed out for another trip on monday and this will be the first time we are traveling with a fully, by herself walking child - exciting!

Alia has made huge progress in several areas of development, such as motor, language and social skills. The only (hm, what is the opposite of progress? con-gress, haha, get it?) area where she has gone backwards is the sleeping department.

 she enjoys more and more hanging out with other kids 
(also likes to give them kisses which is not always well received)

she is still handling (or maybe even enjoying) all the attention she gets because of her skin color)

has started to smile for the camera

her interest in motorbikes is increasing more and more

 loves walking around, can do it by herself now!

being culturally appropriate and practicing her squatting

 has started to enjoy playgrounds

usually has her mouth open when concentrating on a task at hand :-)

She is saying a few words (in 3 different languages), one of which is supposed to be "bitte" which means please in German. It comes out as 'titte' - if you don't know why this is funny, ask a German friend :-).


  1. Alia scheint sich pudelwohl zu fühlen. Danke für die schönen Bilder.
    Anne, wie hältst du das bei der Hitze mit so engen langen Hosen aus?
    Gilt es in Südostasien als unanständig für ne Frau, kurze zu tragen?

  2. Love to read about Alia!
    Hope she gets better at sleeping too :-/
