Wednesday, 29 February 2012


I am very proud of my man! He got up and read his Bible (one of the things I love most about him is that he wants to study God's Word seriously), then wrote some important emails today that needed to be send. He fixed the very annoying ticking noise that we had to listen to for the last five month whenever we drove our car. Now there is blissful silence when we drive - amazing!
And he gave one of his nephews a little geography lesson with the help of google earth on his phone today! And after all of that he helped me clean the offices - what a man!

 "see, this is Monaco, second smallest country in the world..."

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Early Birthday Party

Today our nephew had an early birthday party due to the fact that Erlend's oldest sister is here with her kids for a visit. So we enjoyed a family day, but we will let the pictures talk....

 The birthday boy and his cousin chiling before the party with some Donald Duck.
 Little sister also likes down time "reading"
 Quiet time was soon over when the girls started dancing...
... and played a duet on the piano (the are seriously good!)
 the oldest and the youngest liked Erlend's new cellphone game
Do I not have the COOLEST mother-in-law ever!?!?
(Those are her daughters shoes but we all HAD TO try them on :-), probably not the smartest idea for somebody like me who tears her ligaments wearing a jogging shoe :-))

Monday, 27 February 2012

There is a first time for everything...

... and today it was the first time that Erlend had German lessons with me :-). His conclusion of the first day is that German is a lot harder to learn then Norwegian...darn, I wasn't gonna tell him that until he had already learned German :-).

Sunday, 26 February 2012


Today we were reminded that it is actually the one year anniversary of our Norwegian wedding party. (all together we had four different parties) - so we went out on a date! Thank you, Erlend!

Saturday, 25 February 2012

one of the MOST AWESOMEST KIDS in the world!

I proudly present my little nephew wearing the hat I knitted!

 Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen?
trying the "over-the-shoulder"-look to feature the hat :-)

Friday, 24 February 2012

street signs

A few days ago they put up street name signs on our island (yes, that is how small it is - until now the mail man did not need a street name to find your mail box (will write about those later):-)).
As you can imaging this street sign was not received to well as all people who proudly wear Røsvik as a last name do NOT spell it with a double S. I have even heard talk of whipping out the Tipp-Ex and making some changes :-).

Thursday, 23 February 2012

How do you feel about...

... salty licorice? We did a little survey at our house today about that and we had very different opinions, but see for yourself :-)

 He is CRAZY about it (has it imported from Germany).
 She likes it.
 She is not quite sure how she feels about it.
no words...

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Blueberry Muffins and a Walk

What do you do if your sister-in-law proclaims, "I have some blueberries in the freezer I need to get rid of!" - of course - blueberry muffins! What do you do to not feel guilty about eating them? - of course - Go for a walk! :-)

Monday, 20 February 2012

working...on the future :-)

We have spend this morning filling out forms and working on presentations about the country we are considering to move to in 2013 (Lord-willing of course). It is exciting to think about the future and we can't wait to see what the Lord will do.

Erlend is working hard, I just need new glasses :-)

Sunday, 19 February 2012

sibling visit

Had three siblings over for dinner today and decided once again that we are so blessed to have so many siblings and siblings-in-law that we love. (not to mention the two most awesomest sets of parents and the most amazing Oma we could ever have asked for) Thank you, Lord, for family!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

a gamey girls night

While "the guys" had there Bible Study tonight I had two lovely ladies over and we talked, did our nails and played a cool game that Erlend hat gotten for his birthday. The game is called "Out of sight" and really tests your basic math skills - it was exciting, but also depressing at times :-).

Friday, 17 February 2012

funny cartoon

It was actually a busy day today with lots of stuff I could have taken pictures of and I did take my camera with me, BUT I did forget to put the memory card in it :-(.
So I decided to post a cartoon today that I thought was funny :-). (you'll have to click on it to be able to read it)

Thursday, 16 February 2012

back to elementry school

This morning we got to go to our nephew's grunnskole and watch them perform for their parents and other relatives (that would be our category :-)).
When I was a teenager visiting events like that I always thought it was so embarressing when parents would wave to their kids on stage and they would wave back and so on, but today I was one of them and proud of it! :-)

 "ours" are to one with the cool hat and big shirt (he played an old man) and the other cool "man in black"

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

first Norwegian book

I started ready my first book in Norwegian today - what a proud moment (if I ignore the fact that it is a childrens book :-)).

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Valentine's day

Today Erlend got me a really nice bouquet of flowers and this evening I was invited to an "All-girls-Valentines-Party" (Thank you, Emma and Sarah!)

 Aren't they beautiful? 
 And this was just desserts, there was a whole other table before that :-)!

Monday, 13 February 2012

late birthday present

This awesome camera bag was a birthday presents that I got from my parents (they let me choose and order it myself :-)), it came a few days ago in the mail. I absolutely love it because it fits for example my camera, tripot, macbook, water bottle, wallet and my little bible. The walls of it are padded to protect the camera and computer, but it still looks like a pretty ladies purse. Gotta love it! Danke, Papa und Mama!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Gratulerer Mamma Bodil!

Today is Norwegian Mother's Day and we spend most of the day with our Norwegian Mamma as we had our Bible Study at her house today.

 she liked the present that will match the new kitchen

And it makes me happy to take pictures like this, of lots of people reading God's Word:

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Big brother

Lieber Matthias,

Gottes Segen zu deinem Geburtstag! Du bist ein toller großer Bruder und ich bin stolz auf dich!

vor ca. 20 Jahren

 vor fast 26 Jahren

Friday, 10 February 2012

look what came in the mail today!!!

We received (actually we had to pick it up at the post office because of course it did not fit in our mail box) this package today. Vielen, vielen Dank, Mama! Du bist super!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

forgot to take pictures today, but

... that is what we have google for, so I can still tell you how I spend a lovely afternoon after Norwegian class in the morning, with my nephew and niece, playing games and

building lego ships
and making marble cake

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

having a good time

We are spending most of the day at Marte's house and are enjoying it A LOT, because we are getting sooo spoiled :-).
While Erlend is getting some things done that have pilled up over the last weeks, like getting appointments, putting stuff on the Norwegian form of ebay, research a bit... the girls are

 making cards together
 look, Erna, I am using your birthday present, Thank you so much, I love all the stuff!
 hot chocolate with marshmallows and homemade fresh apple cake, oh yeah!
and we got a late birthday present, a really cool lunch tupperware bowl, that Erlend can take leftovers to work in

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

accomplishment of the day

I finished knitting a hat for my nephew today! First thing I have knitted since 7th grade :-).

Monday, 6 February 2012

a nice visit

This morning my ankle still hurt quite a bit and was swollen so I  decided to stay in bed and keep the leg elevated.
My wonderful mother-im-law came by for a visit and pulled one awesome thing after another out of her bag, such as a Donald Duck magazine (good language study), tulips, grapes and easy to make dinners.
Thank you so much, mamma Bodil!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Philippians, 3-course-dinner and stairs

This morning Erlend shared in our Bible Study group about the background of the letter to the Philippians. It was very nice to get some information about the setting in which and to which the letter, which we will study during the next months, was written.
Afterward G & J and us were invited to M & L for a wonderful 3 course dinner, man, that was a lot of goooood food :-).

Then I feel down some stairs and I am very sure (I feel like I have the expertise to say this after it has happened to me already about 5 times) that one of my ligaments on my ankle is torn or at least over stretched.... here we go again :-(. I should really consider moving to a stairfree environment.