Sunday, 2 June 2013

Regen, regn, rain!

There has been so much rain in Germany over the last weeks that some areas have to deal with serious flooding. I know that friends who live in the south of Bavaria have lost their car to lots of water and the bank my dad works for called today saying that they are having water issues. (we offered to come and blow dry some of those bank notes for them if we get to keep 10% of what we dried, but for some reason they did not take us up and that - SHOCKING!) :-).

We had planned for quite some time now to have a BBQ today and we were determined not to let a little (or a lot of) rain get in the way of that.

 Erlend is so happy about the well deserved food after bbqing for everybody

 2 Steaks and 3 Bratwürste later :-)

1 comment:

  1. 2 steaks all to himself! Whaaaaaat??? I am going to show this to L...he is going to be soooo excited! :-)
