Tuesday 24 April 2012

another Tuesday

Today was another day of putting things into boxes, changing our postal address and driving around delivering stuff to Erlend's family who are graciously taking some stuff off of our hands...
On one of the delivery tours we stopped to have some tea and cake at our sisters house and Erlend enjoyed listening to the story of Bartolomeus explain by our 1year-old niece, it went something like this: bla blalalalala do deidid oooooooh :-).


  1. So cute!
    Love having uncles and aunties visiting.

  2. Hey, Anne. Jesse and I are traveling to Bielefeld on June 19th. You won't be in Germany then, will you? We are not on Facebook and we haven't seen you on Skype for awhile. Hope you get this soon. If you do, get on Skype and call:)
    Hope to talk to you soon.
