Saturday 5 January 2013

the big yellow M

We have enjoyed having our friend Kristine visit for the last few days. She will be moving to Asia in the summer, just like us and it is so nice to have somebody here to talk, look forward and dream about that time with.
One of the perks for her to come here (it sure is NOT the weather!) are the prizes in Germany. We have already had a successful shopping tour and she is planning on getting birthday presents for some family members because things are just so cheap compared to Norway.
Tonight we decided to go "all out" and visit the big yellow M. After ordering 3 McDeal menus we paid less then what we would have had to pay at the same restaurant in Norway for just one menu meal. To put the whole thing into numbers, maybe you have heard about the Big Mac Index. A Big Mac in Norway costs 7.06 dollars, in Germany it costs about 4.34 dollars!

Yeah, prize wise Germany definitely wins, but then again, Norway has fjords.... :-).


  1. I'd take cheap meat over fjords ANY day! Ha! Miss you guys! Have fun with K! xoxo

  2. Shop till you drop while you can ;)
    Say hi to Kristine, and thanks for the Amharic phrase book! It will surely come in handy ;)
    Miss you too!! x x x
