Monday 9 June 2014


First let me apologize for the lack of blogging on my part during the last few weeks. I have no real excuse besides being busy with language study and throwing up and when I did not do either of those two things, I was so tired I took a nap.

Thankfully my energy has come back and I don't feel sick all day anymore. According to an ultrasound the baby is 12 weeks old and everything looks fine - Praise the Lord!

Last week our neighbors asked us and two other western families if we wanted to go on an outing with them - a park outside the city. Of course we did!

 everybody brought some snacks and we enjoyed a rather mild Sunday afternoon

 The guys played some football, being inspired by the upcoming world cup

 Alia found a dog (yes, that is a dog, the backside of it :-))

 Our neighbors son found a very tame bird

We all really enjoyed ourselves!

1 comment:

  1. Koselig 💗
    Og så bra du er i litt bedre form 💗
