Language study - what can I say about it? It messes with your head, your emotions and your life!
One day you feel like you are getting a hang of things and you are making good progress and the next day you feel like you have learned nothing, you sound like an idiot and you wish those stupid people of Babel would never have tried to built that tower - reaching a tower that reaches to the heavens, come on, people, what were you thinking?!?!?! :-)
If any of you know somebody who is trying to learn a language right now, please, give them a break, a hug or a pat on the back, because learning a language is seriously humbling!
Why? Well, while you might be able to sound reasonably smart in your own language, now you sound like a 3 year old (and that would be the best-case-scenario, usually you might be closer to the 1-2 year old :-)). And you are always tired which explains, why toddlers need so much sleep - because they are learning a language! :-)
I know that I should be thankful, and I AM, for a wonderful language teacher, a funny bunch of class mates and the most understanding husband in the world, but sometimes, I guess, on those days that make you feel like you will never get the hang of it, you want to vent a little bit and today, oops, that turned into the post of the day.
The picture of the day is showing the very cool online program that we are using in class. It goes along with the work book we are studying with.