Thursday, 8 August 2013


Today we visited a local family which is THE thing to do during this holiday. Our host is the favorite driver (you can rent a car plus driver for a whole day here for about 30 Euros) of our whole organization here and he invited a whole bunch of us. Apparently it helps your status among your neighbors if you know lots of "whities" especially if they all come over to your house :-).

you all sit on the floor (sometimes on sofas if they have them) and they give you looooots of food (crackers, cookies, rice, chicken and soft drinks)

When we came home from our visit at Pak W.'s house we did not feel like retiring for the evening yet so we asked our German friends who moved here just a week after us if they wanted to hang out.

We are so thankful that we have both Norwegian and German co-workers here, 
it definitely helps the homesickness.

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