The weather this past week has been crazy, I never seen this much rain (not even after living in England for three years). The crazy part is not the amount of rain though, but how fast the weather changes and how it rains, when it rains. I am not talking about heavy rain or light rain, no I am talking about the direction in which in rains - yes, you have read right - DIRECTION! In Norway it does not rain from the sky towards the earth (like in every other sane country) but no, it rains from one side to the other, I am not kidding you! That does explain why nobody even tries to us an umbrella here, it would just get turned inside out and would not be good for anything...A cool result of this however is that Norwegians, who are very fashion aware have the coolest rain boots I have ever seen, like these...

they belong to my sister-in-law Grete
A cool side effect of the qick changes of the weather is that there are lots of rainbows - sometimes even double once. This pictures is taken through a window, that is why you can see the rain spots on it.
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