Friday 2 March 2012

marshmellow bonfire

Tonight we had the idea to go to the beach and have a little bonfire and L and E came with us (along with a bag of marshmellows - we ate all of them!:-)).

 teaching/learing how to make a fire


  1. Å, så koselig!
    Did those kids get to sleep tonight with all that sugar...?

  2. Hehe, Marte, I don't know if they did get any sleep. But that is what aunties and uncles are for - pump the kids full of sugar and then give them back to the parents before the effect of it sets in :-)

  3. Erlend (I guess it is) looks so much like his brother H here, that I had to enlarge the pic to get a better look. My son still thought it was H.... :)
    Oh, and what a fun thing to do with the kids!!!

  4. I was sad that we did not think of doing this with all the kids, but I think the weather would not have been good enough anyways...., well next time :-)!
