Sunday 4 March 2012


For some reason we have had waffles every day for the last three days (one time at our place, once on the mountain top and just now at Markus and Sarah's) - don't get me wrong, I am not complaining - I loooove waffles, especially the one's made from the recipe that we used to make at home in Germany - the Kuhs waffles :-).

 Erlend and I have a continuing argument whether Nugatti or Nutella is better. What do you think and can you guess which one is which?
There is of course the strawberry jam solution and the Norwegians have a great twist on it - adding sour cream - it tastes amazing!


  1. Nutella is best!
    And nutella is to the left in the photo :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. thinkin back to my time in Oslo I can tell that Nugatti definitely competes with Nutella! It's actually the best "substitute" I've tasted so far....
    btw: may I get this famous Kuhs-waffles recipe???
    hilsen fra Tyskland!
