Tuesday 28 August 2012

a hike that went wrong and then right

Today it was decided by the head of the family that we would all go on a hike. So we all gathered and followed certain people who shall remain unnamed because they told the rest of us that they had studied the map and were sure we had to go up this road.

 And it would not have been so bad because this was the scenery!
 but it was actually a lot steeper than it looks here and we walked and walked
 well, not everybody walked
 After a good hour uphill it was realized that the map had been read upside down and we were going to either need to walk about 3 more hours uphill or...
 ... some of us would just go down again and get the cars to pick the others up - sounds good! (Erlend loooooved that he got to drive the road instead of walking it)
 we found a hut where we had some lunch and people still tried to find out how we could go so wrong
some went on to hike to this church others went back down, we all met up at the hotel again for a BBQ, had a bowling tournament and now it is games and movies... all in all a good day!


  1. Haha! So funny! I'm glad my family is not the only one who has read a map upside down! :-)

  2. Like this!! Even the best can fail......

  3. You are having a good time!
    Love reading your blogg.
    Makes it feel like you are not so far away!
