Friday 10 August 2012

contacts, contracts and cards

Today Erlend had his first eye sight test in German (he did very well :-)) and he switched to monthly contacts. Then we tried to get some German contracts for our cell phones... not easy, no actually impossible, if you only want it for one year.

Tonight we had a lot of fun at my parents house playing cards with Papa, Mama and Oma. I have a feeling we will be doing that a lot while we are here.

Forgot to take the camera so here an internet picture of the cards we used tonight to play my dad's favorite game "Trumpf mit Bieten"

1 comment:

  1. Have you looked at the pay-as-you-go option? You just have to get a new Simcard. In our area you can even get one at Aldi's. It should work with pretty much any phone.
