Wednesday 24 October 2012

learning how to...

... take care of a baby and what you need to get when it first arrives. That was what todays "birth preparation class" was about and both Erlend and I figured out that we already know quite a bit about how to handle a baby thanks to nieces, nephews and kids of friends. But we also realize that we did NOT realize how much stuff you are supposed to have for when the baby comes - oh my!

So here a shout out to all the parents who are reading this blog: What were the things you were really thankful for having when your baby joined our family and would recommend getting? And what did everybody tell you that you needed and you did not use it? Any inside you can give is appreciated (hehe and also I love getting comments on the blog)

The last days we have been thinking about different offers and options of strollers and it gets really complicated and now we were given a whole list about things we should get for the baby. I wonder if she knows (or cares) about how much fuss we already make about her :-).

some of the visual aids at the class


  1. I would say definitely go for not so much stuff :) diapers and wipes are a must, and you probably want some diaper cream if she gets a rash (we use Multilind or Panthenol). A bathtub is nice to have, but you can use the sink if nessesary:) a couple of washcloths, maybe some lotion (Bübchen soft creme works great-and small bottles go a long way)
    Babies grow out of the first sizes of clothes so fast that you probably only need a handful of outfits to start with.
    bottles...up to you, Ruben wouldn't use them at all. You could always borrow some to start with and then see. A Schnuller is helpful if your baby likes it.
    nursing pillow...see if you can borrow one at first, some people love them and some are more comfortable with a regular pillow or nothing at all.
    You probably want to have a couple of medicines on hand...something for fever, cough, congestion being the most important. Also we LOVE SAB simplex for tummy pain:)

  2. She is here soon!!! Wow!
    Looking forward to see her!

    Jeg ser det er en hårbørste på bildet. Det er sikkert ikke det første dere trenger... Tåteflasker trenger man heller ikke dersom man får til å amme... Smukk er kjekt, dersom babyen vil bruke den...

    Lykke til med alt det nye og spennende.

  3. Lekegrind. Helt unødvendig ;)
