Friday 9 November 2012

to kindle or not to kindle?

I was asked today by several people what I want for Christmas and one of the things I have been thinking about is a kindle. Considering that we will be moving a lot and dragging around a whole library is always a downer I thought it would be a good investment. I don't know though if it is worth getting one, which one would be the best to get and I just wanted to ask if any of you have one, if you like it, which one you got and so on... I would be thankful for any advice, let's hear it!


  1. I have one and I LOVE it! :) Its best to have one connected to the (USA), because then you can order your stuff from there, and they have a lot more than UK and definitely than germany, especially when it comes to christian literature. I have the 2nd generation one, and I like it a lot. No need to have internet and all that stuff really, if you already have a computer.

  2. Jeg har akkurat kjøpt meg en Kindel. Trives med den.. Fått mange gratis bøker vi Og siden norske bøker er de dyreste i verden. Er det billigere og mer utvalg på Kindel og Engelsk språkelige bøker. Dette er grunn for at alle Nordmen som kan lese engelsk bør anskaffe seg en Kindel. God helg

  3. LOVELOVELOVE it! Just a bit frustrating because I wish all my hard copy books were on it. :-) Mine is the very first one, so I can't give any advice on the newer ones but I would HIGHLY recommend it! The battery life is incredible and there are tons of websites that give you hints on free Christian (and non-Christan) books or good deals. My only advice is that if Erlend is thinking about getting one too in the future, don't have one account each - use the same account! Markus and I (for some stupid reason) opened separate amazon accounts for our kindle accounts, and now we can't read each others books. Kjedelig. :-( And like Kristine, we are on amazon usa, which gives the best prices and utvalg. Oh, and if you do, get a case for it! I waited a few months before I shelled out the money for a case and in the meantime the screen got a bit damaged. Should have gotten a case right at the start to protect it!

  4. We absolutely love our Kindles :)I think we have the 3rd generation...

  5. Looks like we shuld get Kindles, Anne... :) I've been thinking the same...
