Tuesday 20 November 2012

we are so similar

I know I have not blogged in a while, but in a nutshell we were gone over the weekend, I finished knitting a wee baby hat (stay tuned, there might come a picture of it soon) and Erlend has had two final German exams (after only 3 months in the country he has finished level B1 - anybody who knows about these levels will be seriously impressed by that, especially with a hard language like German, I know I am!) We will know if he passed in a few weeks.

But what I actually wanted to write about is my youngest brother. He did something yesterday and I have the feeling he did it only to become more like his precious oldest sister :-) - he fell down stairs and ruptured his ligament on the outside of his ankle. That is so me, I have done that 6 times :-) (remember this post?) No, but seriously, I am glad he did not hurt himself more and that he already seems to be in less pain.

We promise we will come a play lots of games with you so you don't get bored!

look at the very cool brace he has to wear 
(they only had them up to shoe size 47 which is still two sizes too small for him :-))


  1. With shoes size 49 I think he should stand steady on his feet and not tumble down the stairs!! Well, tell him I really feel sorry for him! Get well soon!

  2. Ho there
    Poor little brother.
    Hope he gets better soon, and get to have a chocolate it two....

    Well done, Erlend!
    So proud og you!
    You already know more german than me. :-)

    And Anne, the knitter!
    A babyhat! You are good!

  3. Oh the poor thing! :( Been there done that know the pain blah blah - get better soon!!
