Saturday 3 November 2012

Reptile show

It is a rainy Saturday afternoon in Hof... what to do? that is the question.
We have seen posters all over the city during the last few weeks advertising a reptile show, so for Erlend there was no doubt in his mind what he was gonna do (any chance he gets to see a turtle, Erlend is IN!)

As I do not share his passion for creeping things I decided to stay at my parents house and get some instructions from my mom as to what we should throw out during the big planned clean out of the attic on Monday (I love decluttering so I am looking forward to it).

Erlend went with my two younger brothers and my grandma and a friend to see reptiles and since that was going to be a more "pictureous" activity compared to what I was doing, I asked him to take lots of pictures, but boohoo, it was prohibited to take pictures. Erlend snuck one of the two headed snake anyways :-).

 can you see the two heads?
like I said, there were turtles at the show and I love this poster, cracks me up every time :-)


  1. 1. It is so awesome that your oma went with the boys to see the reptiles! I cant wait to meet her.
    2. I am so excited on your behalf for Monday!!!! And a planning day for cleaning the attic? It couldnt get more organized or better than that!
    3. We all miss you two!

  2. I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!
